Workshops, Seminars, and Symposia

The Delaware Native Plant Society hosts events of all kinds for just about every interest; everything from indoor lectures and seminars to “get your hands dirty” field trips. Our field trips have become member-driven events. Please check this site on a regular basis for announcements of our events. We will normally advertise them as a To Be Announced affair, then will add details later when we firm up plans. If you would like to lead a field trip, or be a speaker at a bi-monthly meeting, or something similar, please contact us.

Each year the DNPS hosts a workshop. Past workshops have focused on collecting and germinating native plant seeds, and how to propagate plants from properly handled root and stem cuttings.

The DNPS likes to schedule at least 2 or 3 field trips each year, but we have changed our format for doing these, and they are now member-driven events. Past field trips have gone to the botanically rich Trap Pond, the floristically varied Cape Henlopen State Park, and vegetatively unique pine barrens in New Jersey. We also like to do kayak/canoe trips as they are always a great way to see sections of habitat that one can’t normally get to on foot.

If you have any suggestions for a field trip, or would like to lead one, please contact us. We are always looking for knowledgeable leaders and interesting places.

Each year the DNPS hosts a seminar in the autumn. Past seminars have focused on collecting and germinating native plant seeds, the biology and ecology of orchids, and the biology and ecology of the Ericacae family.

Each seminar is led by an expert in the field who gives a slideshow/PowerPoint presentation. Then we typically have a question and answer segment, then a buffet/potluck type lunch, followed by a field trip. We also have had small plant sales in conjunction with the workshop, where highlighted plants are sold.